I've been meaning to get in on the Insta Friday fun for a while but by the time I get my act together to get pictures up and ready, it's Sunday.
So me. A day {or two} late and a dollar post short.
This is like Insta Friday times 2. Plus One.

1-Happy kids going down the slide at Chi-fa-way
2- My little dinosaur set to roar it up at the squadron trick or treat fest
3- Cupcake baker, little dinosaur, race car driver, and a cupcake.
4- The best way to cruise the car loop pick-up. Quiet car.
5- Meeting Jeremiah for lunch and seeing a flurry of activity. There were 4 total circling.

6- Daddy and baby watching the biggest hit some balls
7- Got in Jeremiah's car to drive over to concession duty at the ball fields, and THIS GUY scared the life outta me. It's the search and rescue dummy they use to practice on, but I'm still not sure why dude needs to ride shotgun. Oh, the looks I got driving around the O-Dub.
8- Not as yummy as the Starbucks one, but pretty good, AND a fifth of the price. That'll do, pig, that'll do.
9- It's not weird that I took a picture of a fried jalapeño. We were running around town well into dinner time and stopped at Arby's for sandwiches. And jalapeño yumminess. I think this one loved me.
10- Tyler's ball team celebrating Clay's birthday. And in case you are wondering, the signs they are throwing up translate to "We are good Christians boys who just want to eat a darn cupcake and stop posing for pictures."

11- Evie at the doctor for her sick little ears. And just before shots. Poor baby didn't know what was coming.
12- When the binkie is dropped, you make do.
13- They were so cute, I had to share their costumes twice. You understand.
14- My BIRTHDAY BOY on his BIG BOY BIRTHDAY BIKE! He feels like the king of the world. Oh gosh, that smile? Kills me.
15- Our morning post-breakfast routine. Whatever she eats- peanut butter toast, apple sauce, pancakes, bananas- it all winds up in her hair. Drives me bonkers. She's not a fan of the sink bath either, so you'd think she'd learn, right? Right?
Happy Insta Friday friends. I am off to Jack's Bouncy House Baseball Birthday Party! I'll share some pictures soon!
Want to get in on the Insta Fun? Click on the link below!