Friday, December 10, 2010


I'm not sure exactly when this happened. But somehow, practically overnight, my daughter has developed thighs as plump as overstuffed pillows. She has squishy little rolls that cascade down her thighs. And, oh my goodness am I enjoying her wiggle and jiggle. (She is bringing back fond memories of Jack and when I had to get a tub of butter to grease his chubby butt out of his Bumbo.)

Despite appearances, she is not constantly holding her breath......her cheeks are just delightfully chubby. Pardon me while I go and nibble on her some. 

I really wanted to put some of the lyrics to Sir Mix A Lot's song 'Baby Got Back' in this post, but then I realized those words aren't very appropriate to sing about your baby girl. I never really understood how naughty that song was until I started saying the words. But, really, it's also kinda funny. Like the 'you can do side bends or sit-ups,....' line. I  love that 'side-bends' and 'sit-ups' got mentioned in a hip-hop song.

1 comment:

harmonysong said...

wish my wiggles and giggles were that cute!

She is just beautiful!! Not just cute, she is beautiful!! :)


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