Today was beautiful. It has been pretty chilly up here since we arrived- at least, to me it was chilly. I came from 74 degree weather, so anything below 60 feels very cold to me. I am a total wimp when it comes to cold. I break out the Uggs and sweaters when the thermostat gets to 68. And it has been in the 50s and low 60s since we arrived. But not today.
Today it was beautiful outside.
Ironic, because I have been a ball of sadness as we prepare to say goodbye to Jeremiah. Rather than wallow in my misery and eat 18 snickers, I decided to join the little ones in the backyard and soak up the suns rays. I realized I had yet to take any pictures of the backyard (or front yard, or inside of the house either) so I grabbed my camera and click clicked until it was time to leave for the bus.....which could not come soon enough. Today was a little better than yesterday, but I am still suffering from bus-anxiety.
Here are some pictures of what the back of the house looks like. As small and unprivate as the backyard is, I really like it. And we have the only great big tree in our backyard and I am thinking that is going to come in super handy in the hot summer months.

This is the view from the garage entrance. I ended up moving the kids little table once I started taking pictures. That little table used to reside in our kitchen, but like I have said over and over, our house is very small.

Our house is one of ten brick town homes on the edge of the base. Jeremiah and I were very nervous about being "attached" to people on both sides because we tend to be a little noisy. But we have been amazed at how little we hear. Either the insulation is super or our neighbors have taken vows of silence. (Although, I should probably ask them how loud we are.....)

Oh, and we are only partially attached to the home you see on the left, because we are on the end we jut out some. Not sure why that matters exactly, just felt like sharing.

We are going to be planting grass in the spring because the kids have been tracking muddy feet and I am going to lose my mind. I really am not a fan of carpet y'all.

This is our little patio. I like it. I like sitting up here and watching the kids make noises that rival the sounds of the jets and helos flying overhead. I can't wait until it is springtime and I can have my coffee out here and watch the kids play.

The view from our back walkway- the trunk of that lovely old tree.

I know you can't see the other shoe, but it is a red croc that belongs to his sister.

This little slide makes her all kinds of happy.


As I was peeking through the viewfinder, it dawned on me how big she has gotten. My sweet bald baby has enough hair to clip. Her chubby little fingers can hold a spork to shovel

Hello sweet thing. I adore you.

I love how she knows I am watching her and snapping away, just waiting to get a shot of her beautiful eyes staring back at me, and she does this. her thought bubble: "not gonna look at you. not gonna. see. still not looking."

Then she did this. And it makes my love grow even bigger for her. She is quirky and silly and sweet and willful and beautiful and cuddly. And somewhere during our big moving experience she crossed the halfway point between 1 and 2. My sweet baby girl is growing up. In case you couldn't tell.